The Friends of Karori Cemetery appreciate our community providing us with written accounts and photos so that we might share these with our audience and enhance our understanding of those buried at Karori Cemetery.
A record of the story is saved to the Friends’ cloud-based repository and shared on our website and social media accounts as appropriate. The below guidance is supplied to make this process efficient and so that our volunteers understand what we require of them before commencing.
We would appreciate receiving stories in Word file format. Please supply the text in a file without any images. A PDF may also be supplied if this assists with formatting for captions etc.Please note that Facebook only allows plain text. Anything written in italics, bold, bullet points or underline will not display.
Please supply any images as separate, single, files. We ask these to be 100 – 300kB per file. This is because we have limited storage space on our website and an image of this size is adequate for screen display.
Record any captions that accompany the images in the Word file. If the image is not your personal copy (a family photo or a photo you took), then please cite the source. If it is from a repository (eg. National Library or WCC Library), please provide the reference in the format they supply. For example:

Length of Story
We find that our Facebook readers engage best with stories of 200 – 400 words duration. Shorter is even more acceptable although we appreciate that may be too limiting. If you think your story warrants a longer word count, we can share the long format to our website and you may supply an abridged version for Facebook.
Most of our volunteers are experienced researchers or genealogists, practised at writing biographies. We ask that where conjecture or an editorial view is used, that this is explicit.
We appreciate stories that are supplied with references if possible. This aids any future enquiries we may receive about the story and can direct these to the source material. We will not publish the references.
Please state whether you wished to be credited as the author of the work. If you do not, it will be presented as supplied by a volunteer of the Friends of Karori Cemetery.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about the above information or need some help then please do contact us. We’re only too happy to help.
January 2025