Free Introductory Tour at 11am and 12pm

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Introduction to Karori Cemetery Tour. This short (45mins), free, tour outlines the development of Karori Cemetery since the first burial in August 1891, traversing the earliest burial areas which contain many interesting memorials and monuments. This tour runs at 11am and again at 12pm No booking required. Location: The Shelter, Karori Cemetery, 79 Old Karori...

Evening Tour

Main Chapel, Karori Cemetery 15 Rosehaugh Avenue, Karori, Wellington, New Zealand

Evening Tour Would you like to join us and explore the beauty of Karori Cemetery in the evening? This tour is for anyone who would like to see the Cemetery through a different lens, as the landscape settles in from dusk to darkness. On this walk you'll be accompanied by two guides who will take...

S.S. Penguin Tour – BOOKED OUT

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

This tour is now booked out. We hope to run it again in the future, so please keep checking our Events page or follow us on Facebook.   On the 12 February 1909, the SS Penguin sank in Cook Strait in a raging southerly storm with the loss of 72 lives, one of the worst...

Off the Beaten Track Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Off the Beaten Track Tour.  Stretch your legs on this tour! Off the Beaten Track takes you off the main road, exploring a bit further into the older sections of Karori Cemetery. We walk up and down the hills, through the gullies and alongside the creek to discover some interesting characters and some of the...

Free Introductory Tour at 11am and 12pm

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Introduction to Karori Cemetery Tour. This short (45mins), free, tour outlines the development of Karori Cemetery since the first burial in August 1891, traversing the earliest burial areas which contain many interesting memorials and monuments. This tour runs at 11am and again at 12pm No booking required. Location: The Shelter, Karori Cemetery, 79 Old Karori...

Treasure from the Gully Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Treasure from the Gully Tour through a very atmospheric part of the cemetery, with an eclectic mix of stories on an artist, photographer, hat manufacturer, prison reformer and many more! Come and enjoy the beauty of one of the most mystical places in the Cemetery with entertaining stories along the way. The tour will mostly...

Murder & Mayhem Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Murder and Mayhem Tour.  Karori Cemetery is the final resting place for people whose lives ended tragically – from drowning, from murder, and from accidents of all kinds. This tour includes the story of three militia men killed in a guncotton explosion; an attempted murder followed by suicide; a drowning or two plus other exciting...

Free Introductory Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Introduction to Karori Cemetery Tour. This short (30-40min), free, tour outlines the development of Karori Cemetery since the first burial in August 1891, traversing the earliest burial areas which contain many interesting memorials and monuments. This tour runs at 11am Location: The Shelter, Karori Cemetery, 79 Old Karori Road, Karori Duration: 45 minutes To book...

Catholic Tales Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Catholic Tales Come and explore an early part of the cemetery where we encounter a very diverse lot of people. Hear about one of Wellington's richest and distinguished families; a champion boxer; a choirmaster, organist and musician and a man who fought in the US wild west. *Note: This tour has also been known as First...

Evening Tour – SOLD OUT

Main Chapel, Karori Cemetery 15 Rosehaugh Avenue, Karori, Wellington, New Zealand

Apologies, this tour is now Sold Out. Please follow our Facebook page or Humantix ticketing page to be the first to hear about upcoming tours.   Would you like to join us and explore the beauty of Karori Cemetery in the evening? This tour is for anyone who would like to see the Cemetery through...

ANZAC Day Free Public Talk

Services Area, Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

ANZAC DAY 2023 FREE PUBLIC TALK, SERVICES SECTION KARORI CEMETERY Starting at 1.30pm the presentation will cover the development of the oldest part of the Services cemetery, highlight the monuments and memorials of significance within it, and identify some of the men who fought at Gallipoli, and died after their return to New Zealand, many...

Murder & Mayhem Tour

Karori Cemetery 76 Old Karori Road, Wellington, New Zealand

Murder and Mayhem Tour.  Karori Cemetery is the final resting place for people whose lives ended tragically – from drowning, from murder, and from accidents of all kinds. This tour includes the story of three militia men killed in a guncotton explosion; an attempted murder followed by suicide; a drowning or two plus other exciting...