One of our readers Jayce wrote in to ask if we knew what this object is on Thomas Edwards’ grave. Having examined it and done a few Google images searches, we’re stumped if we know what it is. Jayce’s guess that it is of some sort of flower holder seems the most probably. It appears to have been sitting lose on the grave originally and someone has concreted the remaining parts into the ledger later on, as it appears some parts are missing.
What do you think it is?
Thomas Campbell Edwards was a twenty-year-old electrician who was assisting to repair the lift in the Public Trust Building on 21st May 1912. He called to an assistant to turn on the power but before doing so neglected to remove an iron handle which was temporarily fixed on a spindle. The handle struck him with a terrific blow to his leg.
He was admitted to hospital and while there he developed pleurisy. This coupled with the shock was attributed to his death which occurred on the 11th June. He was the son of James Edwards, a farmer from Hamilton.
Thomas’ grave is on the main road facing the north end of the Seaforth rose gardens, for those who like to walk in the cemetery.
Plot: *Ch Eng/A/291
By Julia Kennedy