We are a group of volunteers who seek to promote public interest in the Cemetery which is the second largest in New Zealand covering 100 acres. Our purpose is to advocate for and develop the heritage and ecological values of Karori Cemetery, and to assist with grave/plot restoration.
The Friends of Karori Cemetery are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Transpower CommunityCare Fund. The fund sponsors community projects within 2km of their overhead power lines.
We have received the very generous sum of $15,000 for use in our Gum Gully project which seeks to clear the weeds and overgrowth, and to plant the native Rengarenga lily to help manage long term regrowth.
The money will be used to add to our tool supply and to purchase plants, in addition to those plants and seed that have already been kindly donated to us.
We have two new videos on Youtube showing more of what the cemetery looks like, in case you’re curious and not able to visit:
- We run regular working bees every Tuesday morning (weather permitting) and monthly on a Sunday afternoon
- If you are interested in helping at either Bee, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]